Milisav Mio Vesović
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Životopis: Mio Vesović rođen je 1953. godine u Gornjoj Dobrinji kod Užičke Požege. Studij filmskog snimanja završio je na zagrebačkoj Akademiji za kazalište, film i televiziju u klasi Nikole Tanhofera.
Od 70-ih sustavno objavljuje fotografije u Poletu, Studentskom listu, Svijetu, Pitanjima, Vjesniku i nizu drugih novina i časopisa. Godine 1979. s Ivanom Posavcem osniva Studio MO (Meko okidanje).
Izlagao je na nizu samostalnih i grupnih izložbi u Hrvatskoj i inozemstvu, a stotinjak njegovih fotografija u zbirci je Muzeja suvremene umjetnosti u Zagrebu. Zadnje veliko predstavljanje imao je na retrospektivnoj izložbi 2003. u Galeriji Klovićevi dvori (kustosica Marina Viculin).
Živi i radi u Zagrebu.
Mio Vesović was born on the 24th of March, 1953, in Gornja Dobrinja. He studied under Nikola Tanhofer and graduated with a degree in Cinematography from the Academy for Theater, Film and Television. Since 1976, Vesovic has been working as journalistic photographer. His work has been published in all of the most important newspapers and magazines in the region. He founded the artistic studio MO (Mekano Okidanje, or Soft Shooting) in 1979 together with Ivan Posavec. Vesović and Posavec photographed and designed 150 covers for the magazine "Danas".
As a still photographer, Vesović worked with the following film directors: Rajko Grlić ("In the Jaws of Life", 1984), Veljko Bulajić ("The Promised Land", 1985), Zoran Tadić ("Dreaming the Rose", 1986). He received a credit for Special Photographic Effects on Dušan Makavejev¨s "Manifesto" (1987).
Vesović¨s works of photography are part of the following collections: the Museum of Modern Art, the Museum of Arts and Crafts, and the Modern Gallery in Zagreb; and Split¨s Art Gallery.